pike county georgia

Under a Sea of Clouds

flint river

upson county georgia

Mountain view from the Cove

flint river

flint river

flint river

flint river

View from Pat's Driveway (#135 of 365)

3:35 PM : November 11 2015

flint river

flint river

Gold on Still Branch

Way After Sunset

Sprewell Bluff, GA

Jerry Reeves Creek, upstream of Highway 36, U.S.G.S. sample site, Upson County, Georgia 3

The "Natural Dam" on the Flint River

The Cove

Sprewell Bluff, GA

Stump by a beach

Flint River at Sprewell Bluff

Sprewell Bluff

Threemile Creek, unit 2, U.S.G.S. sample site, Pike County, Georgia 1

Barn and Lens Flare - Landscape

Dusk: Molena, Georgia

SB11 pano

Threemile Creek, unit 3, U.S.G.S. sample site, Pike County, Georgia 1