Milky Way Over Point Arena

Orbs of Mystery #1 - Mendocino County, California

Point Arena Lighthouse (Explored)

Sunset at Bowling Ball Beach

Arena Cove at Sunset - Pentax 67II - 45mm f/4 - Provia 400X

Bowling Ball Sunset - Mendocino County

Breaking Storm and a Minus Tide at Iversen Cove - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - Pro 160S

Looking up at Point Arena Lighthouse

Rock on Irish Beach

Seascape Just South Iversen Cove - Fuji GS645S - Pro 160S

The Fog Signal Building - Mamiya 6 - 75mm F/3.5 - Pro 160NS

The Point Arena Lighthouse Vacation Rentals - Mamiya 6 - 75mm F/3.5 - Pro 160NS

Looking North from Point Arena - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - TMAX 100

Coast Guard House Historic Inn - The City of Point Arena - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - Pro 160S

Iversen Cove - Mendocino County, California - 3D stereo Anaglyph

really miss this view. #californiaroadtrip

The Back Side of the Boatwright's Shed - The City of Point Arena - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - Pro 160S

The Tide Pools Just South of Iversen Cove - Fuji GSW690II - Reala 100

Arena Cove - Point Arena, Mendocino County, California - GW690 - TMAX 100

Small Boats Viewed Through the Big Boat Ladder - Arena Cove Pier - Pentax 67II - 45mm f/4 - Provia 100F

Kodi (White Golden Retriever) - Fuji W1 - 3D stereo red-cyan anaglyph

Pt. Arena Lighthouse

The Afterparty: Mendocino County, CA

Point Arena Lighthouse #pointarenalighthouse #pointarenabeaach #exploringtheglobe #travelingram #pinoyigers #pinoyakogram #mtgang #mtaddicts #mtgaddict #igers #igersoftheday #igersusa #travelgram

Rugged n' Completely Natural

California Coast Lighthouse

Evening Surf


Bowling Ball Beach

Dry Grass and Rust - Fuji GSW690II - Reala 100

Filming: Bowling Ball Beach, CA

Project 365 - Day 35 - 2015

Minus Tide Just Outside Iversen Cove - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - Portra 160

Grassy Sand Dunes on Manchester Beach - GS645S - TMAX 400 (TMY)


In a Mendocino Mood

Mendocino Coast at Point Arena


Just before the sun went down... #sunset #silhouette #californiacoast