Photo May 20, 7 26 12 PM

Photo May 20, 7 26 44 PM

Photo May 20, 7 27 40 PM

Stone Wall

[IDAHO-B-0210] Snake River - Clear Lake

Rocking Chair

Orange Blue

Dust Devils T-Ball Team - Filer, Idaho - 2010

Niagara Springs

Flash Flood Warning

Many colors of Box Canyon Springs

we like the pelican

Box Canyon

Crystal Springs

corn good

on the edge

flat on top

Silage Pit

Niagara Springs in perspective

work to be completed

Knee high on June 23rd

Alligators in the snow

Niagara Springs Park, ID


Box Canyon Falls, Idaho

Flash Flood Warning


Red Bulls

Summer Photowalk - Buhl, Idaho - 2010