Photo May 20, 7 26 12 PM

Photo May 20, 7 27 40 PM

Photo May 20, 7 26 44 PM

Balanced Rock Marker (Twin Falls County, Idaho)

Orange Blue

Stone Wall

Rocking Chair

So this was our view this evening at thousand springs winery bed and breakfast.

November 2015 and November 2016: Two fluffy gray kittens with boots. One named after a legendary lion, the other after a legendary bassist (Bootsie has a cool goatee though). #Kittens

Two kittens decided to help me with an audiobook, but fell asleep. That doesn't bode well for my book...

Salem was watching the "Curse of Oak Island" with me. Here's the face she made when she heard they spent over $2 million to drill this season.

Salem the witchy #Kitten causing trouble.

Insomnia leads to sketches of Jack Skellington. Poor, old Jack. #Halloween #nightmarebeforechristmas

New Jack shoes! Go climb a mountain!

Circle Boy in Buhl... 20160914_6608

Jack and I are pumpkin farmers. Apparently. #Halloween

The grey mob appears to have taken over my chair. #kittens

Party in Jack's class for his birthday! #popplewell

Mr. Pool. #driveby




Frozen over Ford.

Legacy Corner Mural

The Gang

Show and Shine

Buhl, Idaho

Buhl, Idaho

Buhl, Idaho