1991 01-11 1430 SMARRCO RS3s-8 & 9 switching in San Manuel, AZ

1991 01-11 1431 SMARRCO RS3s-8 & 9 switching in San Manuel, AZ

Agave parryi

Day-11: Biosphere2_4697d

Agave parryi

Agave parryi

standing watch

Oracle, AZ

San Manuel, AZ

View of side jeep trail which goes to Pearl Mine from Tucson Wash road, W of Mammoth, AZ

View toward the San Pedro River

Tiger Copper Mine, Mammoth, AZ

Catching air

The View Towards Copper Hill and Margaret Wash

spiral staircase to the future

Biosphere 2 Bio-luminescent too?

View north from the ridge above Biosphere 2

I Will Remain Forever

Room with a view - the AZ desert at Mirival

1305 North Ridges

the future, as seen though a glass triangle darkly

Daytime Lightning

Common Sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri - Desert Spoon)

2006-08-20 - Road Trip - Day 29 - United States - Arizona - Biosphere 2 - Observatory

Oracle State Park north side; E of Oracle, AZ

Soaptree Yucca with clouds; desert SW of San Manuel, AZ

biosphere 2 human habitat-6358 hdr

biosphere 2 rain forest-6347

Soaptree Yucca (Yucca elata - Palmilla); wash N of San Manuel, AZ

Soaptree Yucca (Yucca elata - Palmilla); desert SW of San Manuel, AZ

Flowering Soaptree Yucca (Yucca elata); desert W of San Manuel, AZ

Flowering Soaptree Yucca (Yucca elata); desert SW of San Manuel, AZ

Soaptree Yucca (Yucca elata - Palmilla); S of San Manuel, AZ

biosphere 2 dorms-6453

Flowering Soaptree Yucca (Yucca elata - Palmilla); San Manuel, AZ

Mine shaft up Tucson Wash, W of Mammoth, AZ

biosphere 2 south lung-6393

Biosphere 2

Soaptree Yucca; Willow Springs Road, N of Oracle, AZ