sunrise. Mt Buffalo

Panorama view of the burnt Mudgegonga Hills, after

Austrogomphus guerini male wings

20120713_4488 eucaltpt and creek

20120713_4487 eucalypt and reflection


Happy Valley Hay bales at sunrise.jpg

Sky above

Follow the curve

Happy Valley-1961 sunrise.jpg


Gapsted Winery

20130530_9937 Chestnut orchard in winter

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Happy Valley-Hay bales dawn 1.jpg

Mudgegonga 2012 Bleeser Site2


Happy Valley-1937-Edit-Edit.jpg

Looking down from Reform hill at Myrtleford and the MurrayToMountains railtrail

Kurzer Pausenstopp unterwegs auf der Great Alpine Road

Tobacco Kilns near Myrtleford (Vic)

Mudgegonga 2012 Bleeser Site 4


When the water's gone