Large-billed Scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostra viridior)

Mossman River 2

View from our room in the trees

Rex Creek, viewed from suspension bridge

Mossman Gorge

View through the trees

Lathrocordulia garrisoni male wings

Mossman Central Mill

Sunrise in Cairns

Petalura ingentissima female wings

Lestoidea lewisiana female wings

15 White Oak Ave, MOSSMAN, QLD 4873, Australia (4 Beds, 2 Baths, 2 Cars)

Mossman view

Daintree Rainforest

Mossman Gorge

In the Rainforest

Daintree View

Bird's eye view from the A380 tail camera :-)

Mossman Gorge

Mossman Gorge , Rainforest .

No Leaches

Mossman Gorge 2013-07-18 (IMG_8773-5)


PD 69

Mossman Gorge, Daintree Rainforest, Far North Queensland, Australia.

Mossman Gorge, Far North Queensland

Mossman Gorge 2013-07-18 (IMG_8726-8)

The Gradient Map

Mossman Gorge 2013-07-18 (IMG_8709)

Mossman Gorge

Primeres llums del dia

Rock (12) pool reflection

Light through the canopy

Mossman Gorge (47) Rex Creek copy

On the way to Daintree National Park

Living under a rock?

Mossman - sugar fields