Goldminers at Daintree, 1860-1870

Treetop views from observation tower

Mount Alexandra Lookout

Beach View ???? / Cape Tribulation QLD Australia

A nice early start to the day D75_1492.jpg

Early morning on the Daintree D75_1494.jpg

Creek Below Cassowary Falls, Daintree NP_img 0197

Azure Kingfisher 130625 Alcedo azurea

Azure Kingfisher 130625 Alcedo azurea

070721 Cairns - Cape Tribulation 014.jpg

The 4WD veicle

070721 Cairns - Cape Tribulation 013.jpg

View across the river

559 Australia - Cairns - 46

559 Australia - Cairns - 46

View from the river

Cape Trib Panorama - The mouth of the Daintree River from Walu Wugirriga view point

070721 Cairns - Cape Tribulation 010.jpg

070721 Cairns - Cape Tribulation 011.jpg

Looking out to the mouth of the Daintree river near Cape Tribulation from Walu Wugirriga view point

View across the river

Mangrove forest

Thornton Beach

conquered green

We're on a mother father boat

Daintree River



Cap Tribulation - Jindalba walk


Daintree Lookout

Outrun the sugar cane

Pano Alexandra Lookout - Cape Tribulation

Cape Tribulation | Little tribulation #readNoteatenbyaCroccyYet

Cap Tribulation - Jindalba walk

Cow Bay

Juvenile Sacred Kingfisher

04 06 2013