559 Australia - Cairns - 46

559 Australia - Cairns - 46

Treetop views from observation tower

Growing up

Mount Alexandra Lookout

Beach View ???? / Cape Tribulation QLD Australia

A nice early start to the day D75_1492.jpg

Early morning on the Daintree D75_1494.jpg

Creek Below Cassowary Falls, Daintree NP_img 0197

Azure Kingfisher 130625 Alcedo azurea

Azure Kingfisher 130625 Alcedo azurea

070721 Cairns - Cape Tribulation 014.jpg

The 4WD veicle

070721 Cairns - Cape Tribulation 013.jpg

View across the river

Goldminers at Daintree, 1860-1870

View from the river

Cape Trib Panorama - The mouth of the Daintree River from Walu Wugirriga view point

070721 Cairns - Cape Tribulation 010.jpg

Another beach

Another beach

We're on a mother father boat

Mangrove forest

Thornton Beach

conquered green

Daintree River



Cap Tribulation - Jindalba walk


Daintree Lookout

Outrun the sugar cane

Pano Alexandra Lookout - Cape Tribulation

Cape Tribulation | Little tribulation #readNoteatenbyaCroccyYet

Cap Tribulation - Jindalba walk

Cow Bay

Juvenile Sacred Kingfisher

04 06 2013