0051 trash dump
2017-05-19 13.56.12
2017-05-19 13.49.47
2017-05-19 13.54.06
2017-05-19 13.55.18
2017-05-19 14.30.45
2017-05-19 14.07.03
2017-05-19 14.30.51
2017-05-19 14.31.17
2017-05-19 14.36.25
2017-05-19 14.36.34
2017-05-19 14.40.03
2017-05-19 14.40.53
Cattle crossing in Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Threshing teff near Alemtena, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
cut to length line for galvanised sheet for rofing sheet manufacturing
Superb Starling (Lamprotornis superbus) - 02
Vitelline Masked Weaver (Ploceus vitellinus) - 01
Cut to length line (P60)
Constructed wetland at the Modjo Tannery at Modjo