Child from Omo tribe with flowers, omo, korcho, Ethiopia
And I Can See For Miles
The Vastness of the Simiens
The view from Debre Damo
The Hotel With A View
Whole Lotta Camel
Afar tribe elder from Afambo village, Ethiopia
Cars and goats can co-exist
Omo [explored]
Hamer girls in Turmi market, Omo, Ethiopia
Day 4: First morning light at Chenek camp
chutes du nil bleu ethiopia_4301
Mursi woman tribe with hippo tusks - Omo valley Ethiopia
Blue decay
Afar Tribe Woman Inside Her House, Afambo, Ethiopia
Male Buff-Crested Bustard
Wester Rhona I
_5750paysage ankober
My 2011 Top 3
A Lone Walker
Ethiopian amber - HBW
Around Debre Mark'os
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
champs ethiopia_5163-148
Exploring the Salt Flats in Northern Ethiopia and the Hottest Place on Earth
äthiopische Landschaft - Ethiopian landscape
Almost ready for harvest
Martian Outpost in the Highlands of Ethiopia
ethiopia bird view
ethiopia - afar, danakil and tigray
Baboins gélada parc du simien Ethiopia_4614
Ethiopia, Dallol, Danakil Depression
Sun it will rise soon enough. Goodbye Sun.
El Sod
ethiopia - afar, danakil and tigray
Simien Mountains
The Lone Driver
Ethiopia, variable weather