Ruby-crowned Kinglet (m)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (m)

IMAG1264_Pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor) caterpillar on pipevine

" Infinity and Beyond "

A Birch Tree, UC Davis Arboretum

mrak & king halls

DSC_3599_Beautiful barefoot walker_sepia

IMG_5890_Hula hoop dancer feet

Time Sink - Leica M2

IMG_0896_Barefoot sandals

DSC_3599_Beautiful barefoot walker_B&W

IMG_1154_Dirty sole and anklet view 2

IMAG1220_Dirty sole and toe ring

Acro yoga 09

Old Oak

uc davis, on a chinese envelope

IMG_8654_Honeybee at UC Davis Arboretum

Aerial Views - Clouds near Davis

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #29~

Sunflowers 1620

IMG_5831_Barn owl #1

And the Heavens Parted

Kiss Goodnight

California Gold



Spring Snapshots

Sunflower Wheat Sunset

Blue Ridge/Cold Canyon, Putah Creek Wilderness, CA

Blue Ridge/Cold Canyon, Putah Creek Wilderness, CA

Amtrak #549

Going With the Flow

Sunflowers at Dusk

Blue Ridge Loop Trail, Putah Creek Wilderness, CA

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #28~

leap day rainbow

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #4~

Union Pacific ZNPOA in the Farm Fields

IMG_1889_Oak tree re-leafing

Edible Landscaping Internship 2016-17

White skies