Portrait of a Burrowing Owl

Day 884: Davis_7411d

IMG_5890_Hula hoop dancer feet

davis lock and safe

IMG_0896_Barefoot sandals

IMG_1154_Dirty sole and anklet view 2

IMAG1220_Dirty sole and toe ring

Acro yoga 09

uc davis, on a chinese envelope

IMG_5831_Barn owl #1

Society Garlic

Walking Home

a long ride from the googleplex

boiler building 121112 two

Bird (or cat)'s eye view of a real Wheelman's yard.!

IMG_6889_A very interesting car, second view

IMAG2400_Yolo Bypass viewed from the West

Monster Love (tandem!)

Full Scale Anaerobic Digester

IMAG1264_Pipevine swallowtail (Battus philenor) caterpillar on pipevine

A Birch Tree, UC Davis Arboretum

Kiss Goodnight

Sailing in Davis...? Secret lake in Davis. By secret I mean that it's a private country club lake that I only saw because I was dropping someone off. #stonegatelake #davisca

Sunflower patch in wheat

Sunflower Wheat Sunset

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #29~

Union Pacific ZNPOA in the Farm Fields

Patio with Pergola

Edible Landscaping Internship 2016-17

photo - Wayne Thiebaud 1958-1968, Manetti Shrem Museum

Sunflowers 1620

Monday's Sunset in Davis

Lone Swan Among The Flock 7120

Davis Sunflowers

IMG_0016_Lonesome shed

California Gold

Spring Snapshots


Passing Afternoon

Field Oak

The Glowing Tree

Little Black Bird Sunset