Bhavani Mandap, Kolhapur, Maharashtra #historical #place #travel #Kolhapur #Maharashtra #India #history #beautiful #awesome #view #old #photooftheday #photography #architecture #amazing #sunny #sunshine #festival #maratha #hindu #city #culture

Raw Bricks...


Hibiscus cannabinus

Sidastrum micranthum (A.St.-Hil.) Fryxell

DMIT Test , Counselling

DMIT Test , Counselling

Hanging Bottles of Kolhapur

Village turns golden...

Day 0: McDonald at kholapur was the savior ...

कणेरी मठ, पेठचा गणपती, जोतिबा, नरसोबाची वाडी, महालक्ष्मी कोल्हापूर.

कणेरी मठ, पेठचा गणपती, जोतिबा, नरसोबाची वाडी, महालक्ष्मी कोल्हापूर.

McDonald's at kolhapur highway

McDonald's near satara

Old friends ???? pic courtesy Rimi ????

What's behind the coconut tree?

A long way to go...

Sunset in Maharashtra

KMT's beauty at Wadgaon near Aashta.

MH-20 / D 8002. Tasgaon depot's converted semi.

Face in the sun...

Bullock Cart...