'Burma Girl'

The Taungthaman Lake at Sunset

View of Mandalay city from Mandalay Hill, Mandalay, Myanmar

'Burma Girl'

The White Mountain

Lake Taung Tha Man, Myanmar

Reflections of the U Bein Bridge

Palacio y colina de Mandalay

Public Transport

Sunset at Amarapura

View from the U-Bein bridge

Myanmar 2015: Inle- Lake - Sunrise from the terrace of my cottage

Barefoot monk passes the Sanda Muni Pagoda

Monk on Mandalay Hill - Myanmar (Burma)

Shrines surrounding the central Sandamuni pagoda

Sumptuous Buddha image in the main rooom of Shwe In Bin Kyaung Monastery

The landmark of Mandalay

Palacio de Mandalay

The southern Kuthodaw Pagoda approach pulls you in

Bhumisparsha mudra “Calling the Earth to witness”

Ayeyarwady River

In color or in monochrome - some things remain magical! @Lake Taung Tha Man, Myanmar

The barren tree & the color palette, Lake Taung Tha Man, Myanmar

View from Sutaungpyai Pagoda (Explored - 140)

Lake Taung Tha Man, Myanmar

Over Lake Taung Tha Man, Amarapura, Myanmar (Burma)

Amarapura - Fishing on Taungthaman Lake

Water-walker, Lake Taung Tha Man, Myanmar

A beautiful morning

Burma - Mandalay Sunset

Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan, Myanmar

Ayeyarwady River Mandalay

Ubein Bridge

Amarapura - U Bein Bridge at dawn

Mingun Landscape

2012-11-30 16.14.40

#GoodMorning #world. Another day is #dawning...! #aurora #firstlight #glósóli #theSun #Thuriya #pali #ios #apple #takenbycharles