Saw Tooth Geometry

Nice little view

View of the surrounding countryside

View overhead

View to the valley known as English Settlement

View of the surrounding hills

View to the east

View overhead

Tiger Moth (Ctenucha rubroscapus/multifaria)

not what I'd expected...

Trail section on top of Underwood Hill

Oak savanna at a trail junction

A walk across a pasture ended the hike

Oak glade atop a ridge

Scenery, typical of this hike

Spindly forest

Boots were harmed in the hiking of this hike


Everybody should enjoy a hike like she does

Drapes accent a forest window

Bachelor Creek

S curve in the creek

Fern Woods is aptly named

Rain-swollen Bachelor Creek

Oak and Oregon ash

So very Oregon

Walk through a soggy pasture

You do autumn your way, I'll do it my way

Grassy path back to the trailhead

Muddy track through the savannah