Heidi and Mark's Wedding Rehersal

Heidi and Mark's Wedding Rehersal

Heidi and Mark's Wedding Rehersal

Heidi and Mark's Wedding


Wedding Ceremony - TTV

Tiger Moth (Ctenucha rubroscapus/multifaria)

Table view from Sweet Cheeks Winery in Oregon

CA Trip Day 12: That Train Don't Stop Here Anymore

the view, from atop the hill at Sweet Cheeks Winery

Windermere On The Beach, Bandon, OR


Camera Roll-306


Another beautiful Fall day. Happy Holidays to all from King Estate.

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Lorane Zvalley

Windermere On The Beach

The 'Pot of Gold' is located right in the middle of our Organic Vineyard. #harvest2013


Bud Break in full swing.

Lovely start to today. #harvest2013

Sunset at King Estate

Morning fog, and raining trees.

iris opening


Old growth forest

Cottage Grove Research Trip by Stacey Malstrom (37)

King Estate

Just easing into the morning. #nofilter

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