Is this the world we created...?

Almost got it! ~ Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

It Pays to be a 'Morning Person'

IMG_1380 Let Me Feed You, Honey.

Fire breathing dragon

IMG_2314 Forster's Tern

IMG_0173 Here I Come! Mountain View Shoreline Park, CA

IMG_3580 Black-Crowned Night Heron

Into the Sunset (Highway 101)

the gatekeeper

Bronze Horse by Deborah Butterfield

Shade and reflections

Forster's Tern (1st year)

I have always wanted to capture this view of the Amphitheater but have procrastinated for so long since the view is right outside. #amphitheatre #amphitheater #telephoto #googleplex #landscape #landscapephotography

Proficient dive bomber - Forster's Tern

mY first HDR

Black-necked Stilt

Northern Harrier-IMG_1671-MV baylands-Crop

Magical Sparkles

Hillcrest 20170718

rain and sun alternating

Door of opportunities :)

Garin Regional Park

Garin 20150227

Mustard field

Five Canyons Park 20170218

Palo Alto Baylands

iPhone 5se test

Japanese Garden 20150831

I wonder

No Name Trail

Sunnyvale sewage treatment ponds

Lizard Rock in Afternoon Light._

Foggy day

Coyoto Hils Marsh No3

Upside down

There is something about nature that makes me feel happy.

Shoreline Park/1-28-13 #13 ~

Alviso Blue Hour

Shoreline Trail