Long Walks on Short Piers

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

Almost got it! ~ Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

IMG_1380 Let Me Feed You, Honey.

IMG_3580 Black-Crowned Night Heron

IMG_5922 Forster's Tern Hovering, Mountain View Shoreline Park, California

IMG_0173 Here I Come! Mountain View Shoreline Park, CA

the gatekeeper

Canada Goose honking

Forster's Tern (1st year)

Kimberly Shoemaker, Google HQ

Magical Sparkles

Icon - vintage series

Barn Swallow (immature)

Green Heron (1st summer)

Marbled Godwit

Greater Yellowlegs

Sweeping Yellow

Empty seats at the stadium

Ever Seen the Movie Duel?

IMG_8090 Snowy Egret, Mountain View Shoreline Park, CA

Steam and Rust No1

Sunol Spring Hillside No.01

I wonder

Shoreline Park/1-28-13 #13 ~

Baylands Sunrise

Benign Indifference as the World Moves On

Morning Run by Bay Trail.

Tree in Yellow Field

Door of opportunities :)

La Villa Tiboldi - Piedmont, Italy

Yesterday afternoon stroll.

First image taken with my #iphone5 Fog lifting over the South Bay.

Strolling Rodeo Beach - California

Dumbarton Pier 06.jpg

In the middle of grass

Shade and reflections

Trieste Canal

Garin 20150227

No Name Trail

Garin 20150227

Allen's Hummingbird