drifting on daydreams

[30/365] Full Wolf Moon

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

Castle Otttis, Vilano Beach, Florida

Castle Otttis, Vilano Beach, Florida

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

Guana River Thunderhead

Guana Tolomato Matanzas, Florida, USA

Micklers Landing 180 Degree Panorama View

Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve / Guana River State Park, Florida

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve / Guana River State Park, Florida

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

Nice view but it was too...

[145/365] Night Lights

Vilano Beach, Psalm 91:9-10

Bartram Park Preserve

World Golf Village - Tiny Planet

one-legged bird

Vilano Beach Pier

[255/365] Morning Glowy

Vilano Beach

The beach

Vilano Beach, Habakkuk 2:14


High tide

Guana-Tolomato-Matanzas Nat'l Reserve, Acts 11:16

In the exact moment ⚡ ☁


work break

#oceanwise12 @GTMReserve

Vilano Beach Bridge

Hidden Beauty of St. Augustine

The beach

World Golf Village, Isaiah 40:8

Dead Oak sunset-6

[365/365] The Long and Winding Road

Mickler's Landing, Psalm 139:9-10

Vilano Beach in The Morning

The beach