drifting on daydreams

Vilano Beach, Psalm 91:9-10

Castle Otttis, Vilano Beach, Florida

Castle Otttis, Vilano Beach, Florida

Bartram Park Preserve

Guana River Thunderhead

World Golf Village - Tiny Planet

one-legged bird

The view from our condo

Guana Tolomato Matanzas, Florida, USA

[12/365] Boxcar Sunset


Micklers Landing 180 Degree Panorama View

Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve / Guana River State Park, Florida

Nice view but it was too...

Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve / Guana River State Park, Florida

the view

St Augustine Resort View

[145/365] Night Lights

[30/365] Full Wolf Moon

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

Vilano Beach Bridge

The beach was beautiful today! What tropical storm? #saltlife #pureflorida #lovefl #sharealittlesunshine #igersjax #beach #micklersbeach #lovewhereyoulive #florida

Mickler's Landing, Matthew 5:13

Vilano Beach Pier

[255/365] Morning Glowy

Vilano Beach

The beach

Vilano Beach, Habakkuk 2:14


High tide

Guana-Tolomato-Matanzas Nat'l Reserve, Acts 11:16

In the exact moment ⚡ ☁


work break

Hidden Beauty of St. Augustine

#oceanwise12 @GTMReserve

The beach

World Golf Village, Isaiah 40:8

[365/365] The Long and Winding Road

Mickler's Landing, Psalm 139:9-10

Vilano Beach in The Morning