Mother's Day Tulip

View from the front of the Cottage

Coming Into Town

Hobo Dreams

A White Picket Fence (HFF)

Mountain View

Spotted Pine Sawyer (Monochamus clamator)?; Macra, Placer County, California; June 28, 2014

Relaxing in the Bird Bath

Red-shouldered Hawk--Buteo lineatus

In the pines

Pelton Wheel

A Peek Inside

Sixspotted Orbweaver (Araniella displicata); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

Rounding Cape Horn Promontory

Train on Cape Horn Promontory 9954


eX Wives Club 0122

Greyhound 6909 Colfax (MCI 102DL3)

Curves of Steel

North Western Pacific Railroad No. 6028, California, Colfax (20,018-2)

Fox Sparrow

Walking out on a Spring Day

Late Autumn at Home

Dormant Vineyard (HSS)

A Winter Morning

The Serenity of Place

Passing Over

Down on the Farm

The Gift that is Autumn

Natures Colors

A Morning Walk at Empire Mine (HFF)

Down By the River


Morning Along the Bear River


Campbell Creek Cascade


SP 6023 & 2 more w/the San Francisco Overland

Pathway Through the Trees