Hobo Dreams

eX Wives Club 0122

The dead pool

Pelton Wheel

Gold miner statue At Colfax Station Ca.( 3 Views )

Southern Pacific Railroad, California, Colfax (3,218-2)

Southern Pacific Railroad, California, Colfax (3,218-2)

Southern Pacific Railroad, California, Colfax (3,218)

Broad Street, Nevada City view

One Eye

HFF Hillside Fence

Trumpeter Swans--Cygnus buccinator

Trumpeter Swans--Cygnus buccinator

Red-shouldered Hawk--Buteo lineatus

Through the Steam

Old No. 5

Mother's Day Tulip

Fox Sparrow

Natures Colors

View from the front of the Cottage

Aeroduster Pass Topside View

Winter Afternoon in Penn Valley (HFF)

Yankee Jims Bridge (1930)

Single Source of the Truth

Sierra College, Grass Valley

Sunrise over Broad Street

A Morning Walk at Empire Mine (HFF)


Summer in the Foothills (HFF)

Red-shouldered Hawk (immature)--Buteo lineatus

Summer in the Foothills (HFF)

Down on the Farm

Further Travels with Kahuna Harv

Autumn Flashback

Walking out on a Spring Day

Last of Fall Colors on Deer Creek


Sierra College, Grass Valley

Pathway Through the Trees
