1919 Case 65 HP Steam Traction Engine, the roofless model (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 3/9]

Steam-Powered Whistle Tower at the Buckley Old Engine Show [BOES 9/9]

1918 #7 Steam Engine Locomotive and Train (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 8/9]

John Deere 4020 Diesel Tractor complete with Daycare System! [BOES 7/9]

1913 “Little Bull” Three-wheeled Bull Tractor (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 5/9]

Hodenpyl Dam Pond, Little Mac Bridge, Big Manistee River

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 1/3

October Blue, Autumn Orange, and a dash of Spring Green (BRP 2/4)

View from the Manistee River Trail

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 3/3

The view

Hiking the North Country Trail

Benzie Birches

Blue Blazes

Autumn Colors Along the Manistee River Trail

Nice hike yesterday. #PureMichigan

Ox Bow on the Manistee River

Eddington Creek

crystal mt

Little stream in the forest

CFF Xtreme Hike

Michigan playground.

beaver pond


CFF Xtreme Hike

CFF Xtreme Hike

CFF Xtreme Hike

Bridge over Eddington Creek

CFF Xtreme Hike

Along the Manistee River Trail