Hodenpyl Dam Pond, Little Mac Bridge, Big Manistee River

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 1/3

Along the North Country Trail

Viking Man

Hiking the North Country Trail

View from the Manistee River Trail

Trees along the North Country Trail

Those Who Answered The Siren's Call Were Never Heard From Again

Autumn Maple Leaves and Friends (BRP 1/4)

Nice hike yesterday. #PureMichigan

October Blue, Autumn Orange, and a dash of Spring Green (BRP 2/4)

Ox Bow on the Manistee River

Under the Archway

Picture 7675

Eddington Creek

CFF Xtreme Hike

beaver pond

CFF Xtreme Hike

crystal mt

Michigan playground.


Walking the North Country Trail

Forest Stream, #2

CFF Xtreme Hike

CFF Xtreme Hike