Hodenpyl Dam Pond, Little Mac Bridge, Big Manistee River

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 1/3

1911 Avery 40-120 HP Steam Traction Engine (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 2/9]

1918 #7 Steam Engine Locomotive and Train (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 8/9]

1/2 Scale Version of the 65 HP Case Steam Traction Engine (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 4/9]

1919 Case 65 HP Steam Traction Engine, the roofless model (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 3/9]

Steam-Powered Whistle Tower at the Buckley Old Engine Show [BOES 9/9]

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 2/3

1913 “Little Bull” Three-wheeled Bull Tractor (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 5/9]

1938 Fordson Row Crop (“All-Around”) Tractor (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 6/9]

Little Mac on the Big Manistee 3/3

View from the Manistee River Trail

Hiking the North Country Trail

Gas & Kerosene-powered Tractors (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 1/9]

Viking Man

Those Who Answered The Siren's Call Were Never Heard From Again

The Volvo With New Shoes #2

Before #3

Pouring It Out

Along the North Country Trail

Fire and Ice

Shades of Winter

Waiting for Summer

Trees along the North Country Trail

Michigan playground.

The Quiet of Winter

Nice hike yesterday. #PureMichigan

#PureMichigan #CloudPorn #ManisteeRiver #NorthernExposure #SpringTime #FineTimes

Ox Bow on the Manistee River

crystal mt

Pop of Color

Frozen Forest


CFF Xtreme Hike

beaver pond

#PureMichigan That inaugural hike did me wonders!

CFF Xtreme Hike

#PureMichigan love affair and the beloved #Manistee.

CFF Xtreme Hike