The Pond 046

Crystal Moon Rising

BBQ with an A-10 Warthog

The Hunter 9653

Windy Spring Day 6547

Happy Easter - Morning Glory

Master 2765

The A-10 Warthog Pop-out

Lupine Line My Path 0109

Paralleling tracks

Western Scrub Jay 8317

True Blue (Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana) 0301

Kiara 6903

Kitty Trance

Quarry Wall Under Forest Moonlight

Kiara 6893

UP 5577 East

California Poppy

Secret Barn

Roseville Spreaders 4031 & 4032

Red-Shouldered Hawk - The Sheriff or the Poacher?

Oak and Fog

California Dreamin'

Deer In Moonlight 0868

Undulations 9509

Meandering 0901

IMG_6311 Trail

Loomis landscape #instamood

Early Spring Flowers 2015

FPV Radio Control Flying

Oak Emerging

FPV Radio Control Flying

Sunset backyard ride

Hidden Falls 9040

Quarry Park Pond 0872

Green and Blue with Infrastructure

The sunsets in Placer County are like no other #countrylivin'

214/365 ~ Hidden Falls Regional Park

{when we put our minds to it, the sky is just the beginning }