My view while on my walk.

Weston Bend State Park overlooking the Missouri River and Kansas

Nice view...

Governmental Abandonment

CB&Q #9931 Weston, Missouri

Misty Sunset

Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks - Aerial view during demolition for repurposing

Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks - Aerial view before repurposing

Thru the window not the door

C.W. Parker Carousel ~ Leavenworth, Kansas

Chapel, Dwight D Eisenhower Veterans Adm Ctr - Leavenworth, Kansas

Spherical Photograph at the Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas

C.W. Parker Carousel ~ Leavenworth, Kansas

Lansing, KS - 1909 Postcard

Spherical Photograph at the Corner of Delaware Street and 3rd Street in Leavenworth, Kansas

Snowmageddon 2011

Spherical Photograph at the Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas

Spherical Photograph at the Corner of Delaware Street and 3rd Street in Leavenworth, Kansas

Nice view

Underground Pub

Weston Bend

watchful tree

Mobile uploads

Golden Globe

Mobile uploads

Field & barn outside of Weston, 21 Oct 2011


St John's Lutheran

Country side!

Afternoon in the backyard

Historic Weston Church 004-4

Soybean field

Soybean field

This is Kansas


Historic Weston Church 076-76


St. Mary's

Platte R UP at Platte City

Historic Weston Church 074-74

Historic Weston Church 073-73