Reflecting on the Blue Hour

Sunset Season on the Front Range

Western Meadowlark Liftoff

The Most Blue-tiful Time of Day

Metamorphosis of Lightning {explore}

Stretching Great Blue Heron (2nd Version)

Dragonfly Art

Circle up the wagons

Haze in Colorado from California Fires

Christmas Blizzard of 2006 Park Path

Beautiful Sunset - Fort Collins Colorado

Pollinating Seeds for Next Year's Flower Crop

Bridled Wind Machine

Over and under and through

Fossil Creek Deception

An Entry into Atmospheric Optics

Fox fight

Ammons Hall, Colorado State University

Anas platyrhynchos Aeronautics

On the march east

Flicker Flyby

A Sunset Worth Wading For

Snow Fence

the circling sky II

Evening's Silhouette

Chilled Warmth

Sundown at Running Deer Natural Area

Blue Epiphany

Morning walk

the "tree" at fossil creek

the Deines Barn - pano

Explosive Destruction of the High Park Fire: June 10th, 2012

Out For a Winter Run

Northern Colorado Rainbow

Mountain Mahogany Sun Seeding

Sanguine Arapaho Bend

Lebsack Farm

the yin and the yang

christmas morning - explore 12-25-2014