God's Light

Davis Falls 3

Orange Beauty

Rhyne Mill Dam

Lineberger Brothers Cotton from the Backside

Iron Fence (HFF)

Wildflower Bokeh

Just out of the Kiln

Man vs Nature

Davis Falls

Howard's Creek

South Fork Cascade

Rhyne Mill Dam

Rhyne Mill on the South Fork River

Barn and Broomstraw

Old Hardin Road Bridge over South Fork River

Tree in Field with Snow

Saint Luke's Episcopal Church


Misty Base

Snow and Water :-)

The Perfect Tee Time

P1040656 (2)

Cherryville, NC

Across the Field

Field of Dreams?

Tryon Sunrise

Harvested Field

If the kid's ears were any longer, she'd take flight...

Like mother like daughter...

South Fork "Falls" 2

Field of Sunflowers-Unfocused

Day 2 - Get in line

Floppy-eared Friends Flock Together

South Fork River