Views From Amtrak

Views From Amtrak

Views From Amtrak

Views From Amtrak

Loram LaPlata

Jeff Case - Got Feed

Matthew Gerhold - Checking the Livestock

MOW 2 La Plata

MOW La Plata, MO

BNSF 4288 La Plata, MO

BNSF 9015 La Plata, MO

BNSF 4392 La Plata, MO

BNSF 5025 La Plata, MO

UP2703 La Plata

UP4972 La Plata

Amtra 4 La Plata

Bnsf 5411 Westbound Z WSPNBY9 08L at LaPlata MO

Bnsf 5819 Westbound Train U EOLSOX0 08T East of Gibbs MO at MP 305

Bnsf 6865 East of Gibbs MO at MP 305 Eastbound Train ZABQWSP9 07L

BNSF 6623 Westbound VBLUPEA1 07A W East of Gibbs at MP 305

DP Power on U EOLENI0 19T East of LaPlata MO

On the Advertised...

CSX 3261, rolls as a quest on the BNSF Gibbs Missouri

A heavy freight with four motors steals the spot light at Gibbs Missouri

Steel rail street meet, BNSF Marceline Sub mile post 307 , Gibbs Missouri.