Foamy Landscape...

Kjerag 2

Kjerag 3

Dancing on Kjeragbolten #thatfeeling

Nice Weather Above The Clouds...

Mountain Sheep

Kjerag & Lysefjord

Kayaking on Lysefjord

Kjerag view

Lysebotn from High Above

Lysebotn a monday evening

Trip to Kjeragbolten

Porridge with a view #norway

Kjerag Bolt

View from Kjerag Restaurant

Kjerag bolt - Looks tiny from here

view from Lysebotn camping on Lysefjord

View on the fjell

Lovely Lysefjord

Lysefjord, view from Lysebotn, Norway

our first Norwegian meal of the holiday

Norway - Öygardstöl

Lysefjord (from Kjerag) - Norway - Landscape photography

Depature of daylight

Tripod Selfie (•̮̮̃•̃)۶

The ascent

My life now hangs by a thread

The Gap


Where the rainbows come from...



Norvegian Light

Lysefjord Ferry

Hiking Trail to Kjeragbolten

Fjord Landscape

Fjord landscape