Northern Lights

A View across the Golden Horn

tien shan mountains kazakhstan

Chinese Tien Shan from 7010m

Tales From The Riverbank.....

Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan

White Stork in Marrakech, Morocco – March 2009

charyn canyon kazakhstan

kazakhstan landscape

Kazakh Canyonland

HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU--with scepticism I think!

charyn canyon panorama

Inverted reflection : Autumn in Xinjiang (clic the image for better viewing )

Tulip Wonders

New Routing in Southern Siberia

Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus aka Mediterranean Black Widow

Mongolia from the air

Last few days on the Ural

Searching the light

Trekking TianShan


The Road

Altai Mountains

mer Caspienne

Desolation Sunset

night walk under moon light

kazakhstan desert

kurdistan Darçin

summer snow in tian shan mountains

1_Coucher de soleil au Xinjiang-(series_5frames) _101_6962

Asy, RK

Kazakhstan Rivers in the steppe

Kazakhstan Kolsai region

spring in Alatau mountains


big almaty lake

Asy, RK

VL80S-1710 on the shores of Balkhash lake