View of mountains

Kazakhstan_Aralsk - 3_©

Between Bishkek and Istanbul

Expedition 38 Soyuz Rollout (201311050011HQ)

Cape Enrage

Aral Sea Bed

Expedition 35 Soyuz Rollout (201303260008HQ)

Байконур Космодрому - Baikonur Cosmodrome, Site 112.

Expedition 29 Soyuz Rollout (201111110003HQ)

Expedition 39 Soyuz Rollout (201403230011HQ)

Expedition 29 Soyuz Rollout (201111110004HQ)

Expedition 35 Preflight (201303280041HQ)

Aral Sea Bed

Fishermen on the Aral Sea

South Aral Sea

Les rives du Syrdaria se changent parfois en vastes marais.

20101120-Panorama sans titre1

Expedition 48 Soyuz Rollout (NHQ201607040125)

Djamboul, Aral Sea, Kazakhstan

Soyuz TMA-18 / Союз TMA-18, Expedition 23

KAZ Aralsea244