One of my favorite view of Barbourville KY
The Knox County courthouse comes into view
cut view feb 22 2007
The View
Down on the Cumberland River
Kids off in the distance wading in the river
Cumberland River
There are some deeper spots in the river
Post Office 40949 (Heidrick, Kentucky)
Post Office 40935 (Flat Lick, Kentucky)
Springfield Baptist Church (Bimble, Kentucky)
Post Office 40915 (Bimble, Kentucky)
Post Office 40734 (Gray, Kentucky)
Downtown Barbourville, Kentucky
Knox County Courthouse (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Old Blackstone Hotel (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Knox County Courthouse (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Knox County Courthouse (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Knox County Courthouse (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Magic Theater (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Knox County Courthouse (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Fred D. Sampson Marker (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Knox County Courthouse Detail (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Knox County Courthouse Detail (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Daniel Boone Monument (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Daniel Boone Monument (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Barbourville-Knox County Visitor Center (Barbourville, Kentucky)
First Christian Church (Barbourville, Kentucky)
Post Office 40906 (Barbourville, Kentucky)