The Knox County courthouse comes into view

cut view feb 22 2007

The View

Down on the Cumberland River

Kids off in the distance wading in the river

Cumberland River

There are some deeper spots in the river

Cumberland Valley Freight

Siler Shadows

C602 at Siler

Siler Manifest

Flat Lick Freight

Fourmile Freight

Tier 4 at Flat Lick

Donna & Teresa walking along the top of the flood wall

Coal Country Signals

Burger King -- Barbourville, Kentucky

Nc to kentucky

A helicopter is coming to the local hospital to pick up a patient [Explore 10/12/17 #489]

Empties at SE Baileys

A fabulous tree on an empty lot

The other side of the same tree

Cumberland River from the bridge

Cumberland River looking downstream

A new house on top of the hill

Donna & Teresa by the flood wall

Water level gages -- about 1 month later this river rose to 40 ft (12 m) & the area experienced significant flooding due to heavy rainfall for several days

The gage under the bridge. The red dot is the flood level in February 2020.