How do I grasp reality when I don't have an identity?

Playing In The Rain

Muted Glow

We've got the land, but they've got the view

Wild Verbena

Rural Forms at Sunrise

East, West

Warm Days

Campton Hills Park, IL, Flowers and Foliage (Help -- Sedum?)

Leaf litter

The Gauntlet

Moving Forward.

Custom Cosplay Commissions by orgXIIIorg : Kingdom Hearts Organization XIII coat (in real leather)

Geoencoded QR Code on a Rural Fence

What Are You Trying To Tell Me?

foam-framing (top down view)

Arda Wigs : The Dude in Spanish Brown 050

Illinois 058

Randall Road Traffic

Illinois 066

Hitting The G Spot Part 8F

Union Pacific 7778, 8401 and 8630 near Maple Park, Illinois

Nelson Lake Marsh

Union Pacific 3090 in La Fox, Illnois

Corn, golf, homes

Sunset over Campton Hills

A Field of Susans

Black and White Challenge Day 5

Corn Field Meet

Illinois Farm

Grainy Gradient

White Christmas

Camera Roll-9

Misty Sunrise - Oak Tree


Sunset Over Route 38

Love Cross Process

Farm Country

Elburn Co-op

Eagle Sunset ~ DeKalb County, Illinois
