swallow squabble

Muted Glow

We've got the land, but they've got the view

comparison of wig colors

East, West

Warm Days

Fall comes to Windsor Court...

Metra 146 Pushes Into Chicago

Custom Cosplay Commissions by orgXIIIorg : Kingdom Hearts Organization XIII coat (in real leather)

View of the Fox River From the Pottawatomie Pavillon - Saint Charles IL

The Blue Days of Winter

Still Waiting

Geneva, IL, Fabyan East Windmill Forest Preserve

A change of perspective...

Early Butterfly

Glory Past

strength unending

Lily Lake, IL, Corn Can Be Glorious

St. Charles Municipal Center at night

Valley View

Meet in Geneva 1

Pavilion - Pottawatomie Park - Saint Charles IL

Spring is Sprung

Mile Post 35.20

St Charles, Illinois - Pottawatomie Park

St Charles, Illinois - Municipal Building

Check out this Shelf Cloud coming at me!!!

Union Pacific 3090 in La Fox, Illnois

Geneva, IL, Villa Museum, Japanese Garden, Lantern and Mt. Fugi

Sunset over Campton Hills

Geneva, IL, Villa Museum, Japanese Garden, Mt. Fugi Landscape

A Field of Susans

St Charles, Illinois - Municipal Building

Union Pacific 8746 and CSX 7377 in Geneva, Illinois

Pottawatomie Park Picnic Pavilion


The North Western

October Rain

Geneva, IL, Fox River, Sometimes the Clouds Steal the Show

Geneva, IL, Fox River Foot Bridge to the Villa Museum

Mama, can I eat this wiggly thing?

Union Pacific 7778, 8401 and 8630 near Maple Park, Illinois