Playing In The Rain

How do I grasp reality when I don't have an identity?

No one knows that’s how it goes, all the thoughts that we transpose.

We've got the land, but they've got the view

Original CGW Sycamore IL Depot 1947

Lily Lake, IL, Corn Can Be Glorious

Rural Forms at Sunrise

Milwaukee Road Over Lincoln Hwy DeKalb, IL

Assisted Vision.

The Staple

Illinois 046

Illinois 041

Illinois 059

Warm Days

East, West

Moving Forward.

Early Butterfly

Week 3.

Campton Hills Park, IL, Flowers and Foliage (Help -- Sedum?)

What Are You Trying To Tell Me?

Illinois 067

An October celebrity

Flying Kites (explore 4/24/14)

Johnson's Mound Nature Preserve

LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve

Union Pacific 7778, 8401 and 8630 near Maple Park, Illinois

Long Shadow

Drowning in white

Nelson Lake Marsh

Union Pacific 3090 in La Fox, Illnois

Page of greatness

Peck Farm - Geneva IL

#OhWhatABeautifulDay, Can't wait to be at the Lake, but too wondrous to be on the interstate. #TakingEveryBackroadICanFind

deKalb co.

Corn Field Meet

Camera Roll-9

Peck Farm & Lake - Geneva IL

Black and White Challenge Day 5

GREAT day. :)


Eagle Sunset ~ DeKalb County, Illinois