Kaesong / 개성 (North Korea) - Main Street

Street Life In Kaesong

Gijeong-dong, "Propaganda Village"

Joint Security Area, DMZ

The observer

View from the Tomb of King Kongmin, Kaesong, DPRK

A glimpse of North Korea

DMZ North Korea army - Colonel interview

South Korea Viewed from the North

On the other side: South Korea - DMZ

Of trees and men

South Korean soldiers in the joint security area on the border between the two Koreas, North Hwanghae Province, Panmunjom, South Korea

The Site 4 Sign in 1974

ROKs setting up 75mm positions

View North of the two Army camps on the DMZ

View south of the two Army camps on the DMZ 1974

DMZ view from site 4

South Korean soldiers in the joint security area on the border between the two Koreas, North Hwanghae Province, Panmunjom, South Korea

At the DMZ. The viewing platform of the DPRK's side.

Koryo Museum

View Towards Kijong-Dong

North Korean Guard Post - DMZ

Kijong-dong - North Korea

Kijong-dong - North Korea

Tomb of King Kongmin

Tower Defence

Kaesong City, DPRK

School children Kaesong, DPRK

KPA guide on bus from Panmunjom.

Kim Il-sung Statue in Kaesong North Korea

President Kim Il-sung

Koryo Museum

Koryo Museum

The Bike and the Bunker

President Kim Il Sung

Flag Pole

Koryo Museum

Koryo Museum

At Panmunjom

Panmunjom Joint Security Area looking at South Korea's House of Freedom