Io moth

Homaeotarsus sp.

Clemens False Skeletonizer Moth

view from the deck

One of those Autumn moments

Oak slug moth

Brown Scoopwing

Southern Flannel Moth

Oblique Heterocampa

Reticulated fruitworm moth

Fine-lined Gray

Black-waved Flannel Moth

Bess Beetle--flew(!) into moth sheets

Click Beetle

Predaceous Diving Beetle


Maple callus borer moth


Scopaeus sp.

Elegant mantidfly

Posturing Arta Moth

Serenity #camp #lake #nc #igersnc

Gentle Dawn

Lake Gaston July 5th

Dark Trees

Little FIshing Creek

sunset from the deck

Logan and Jen in the water

Airlie - 2

Little FIshing Creek

Medoc Mountain State Park

Medoc Mountain State Park

Bluffs over Little FIshing Creek

Medoc Mountain NC SP 4601

Easter2012 181

Medoc Mountain NC SP 4602

Medoc Mountain State Park

Medoc Mountain State Park

Medoc Mountain State Park

Medoc Mountain State Park

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -Thoreau #medocmountain #hiking #outdoor