shadowed by the past

Saturday morning

Another Castlewood Canyon Waterfall

243-foot "Bridge to Nowhere" on CO 83, c1946, 2003

Tallman Gulch Playground

Homestead View

Backyard Sunset

Pike's Peak


Idyllwilde Binoculars

Tallman Gulch Playground

West side view of Britanie Ridge

Last Standing Log Cabin in Parker, CO

Cattle Crossing Trail


243-foot "Bridge to Nowhere" on CO 83, c1946, 2003

Cattle Crossing Trail

Newlin Cemetery

Elizabeth Newlin Gravestone

Front Range Lookout

Front Range Lookout

On The Banks of Cherry Creek

Winter Hues

Nature's Promise

Ahh! October!

Creekside Sunset 2

Spending Time

Call Me Mellow Yellow

Castlewood Canyon

Slope of Many Colors

Twisted Juniper - Castlewood Canyon State Park

Castlewood Twilight Redux

Crazy Quilt

Hay rolls

Twisted - Castlewood Canyon

Cherry Creek in Castlewood Canyon

Western Scrub Jay, my first.