The Crow

2009-12-24 (7 Days-Day 6) Silent

Moon Rise From Forest Floor (Explored at #18)

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran (Explored)

Early Morning Light

Winter Berries

Boughs of Blue Hue

Egrets? I've had a few....

Winged Beauty


Asleep in the Setting Sun

View from tonight. Beautiful evening for a run. #f3coalminer

And today's color is YELLOW!!

A Study in Selective Color

2510 N 158th Cir 01

Leaves Glacé

Eye Ain't got no view

Weather station full view looking southeast

weather station view looking east

Weather station view looking south

Eye Ain't got no view contents

The Pond

Foggy Morning on The Edge of Nowhere.

Eastern Sky

Cunningham Lake Reflection

Cunningham Lake sunset

IMG_0936 - Version 2

almost had a tornado



Standing Bear Lake Sunset

Unplanted Field

goldfinch on flower

DSC00536_HDR (1)

black butterfly

Omaha, NE

Sometimes, endings are beautiful #sunset

Standing Bear Lake

Foggy Morning on The Edge of Nowhere.

And one more, for good measure.

Lightning and Rainbows at Sunset