Saying Goodbye to 2014 - Final Sunrise of the Year

First Light At The Garden Of The Gods

Yellow-bellied Sliders

Morning glow b/w portrait

Returning to the nest

Garden of the Gods Sunset

A Grocer's View

Springs lightning

So Much Depends Upon

The Long View

Colorado Springs, Stormy Sunset

Ἴκαρος (Icarus)

Garden of the (Suburban) Gods: Colorado Springs, CO

garden storm

Purple Mountain Majestic

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Aftermath: Colorado Springs, Colorado (CO)


snow on the peak

Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus)

Common Goldeneye

spires in the garden

GoG Sunrise




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Sunrise at the Garden of the Gods

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*Glowing Garden of the Gods*

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A Windblown Sunrise

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Labor Day Lift Off 2016

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Morning Has Broken

LDLO Reflections