Saying Goodbye to 2014 - Final Sunrise of the Year

Garden of the Gods Sunset

A Grocer's View

Springs lightning

Returning to the nest

Ἴκαρος (Icarus)

Rockstar in the Spotlight

Queen's Canyon

Purple Mountain Majestic

garden storm

Nightfall at Siamese Twins

spires in the garden

First Light At The Garden Of The Gods

The Ark

Garden with a View

Yellow-bellied Sliders

Broadmoor Fantastic 1

Marriott Sunrise

the rising

USOC Fountain Fantastic

Garden of the Golly

The Spires at Garden of the Gods

Balancing Rock

Perfectly still...

Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak

Blodgett Peak Snow

Morning hike

Pike's Peak from the Red Rock Canyon trails...

Let the Show Begin

Garden of the Gods: Remembering Harvey Carter

Garden of the Gods / Stormy Morning Sunrise

Garden of the Gods-3

*Glowing Garden of the Gods*


2017_Denver Trip_Garden of the Gods_12

Morning Has Broken
