Perseid Star Trails

At Celebration Park -- DSC01565

DSCN1337 - Nikon p510 wide angle test - Snake River Canyon

Snake River

The Snake River in SW Idaho -- P1020868

Lichen On a Rock

A view

100312h - Cleo's Ferry Museum

100312g - Cleo's Ferry Museum

ID-45 South - Distance Marker

End ID-45 South at ID-78

Snake River

backyard panorama

Photocrawl :: Initial Point - Kuna, ID

Summer evenings, second only to crisp autumn days.

Friend's tree.

Idaho raptor habitat

Good morning, May. Thanks for the frosted windows, you heartless &#%*.

Kid on Coronado.

Snake River

Photocrawl :: Initial Point - Kuna, ID

Snake River, SW Idaho -- DSC01555

Snake River, SW Idaho -- DSC01551

The soft light of moon and stars

Swan Falls Dam. Kuna. Idaho.

Before the snow.

Snake River Canyon

Snake River, SW Idaho -- DSC01557

Snake River, SW Idaho -- DSC01553

The Snake River, SW Idaho -- DSC01541