Sunrise over the Sawtooth Mountains

Guffey Bridge 120 years old

Jump Creek Canyon

Feel the colors of fall

Halloween in Downtown Nampa

ID-45 South - Distance Marker

P-40s w/ fake tilt-shift

Ardea herodias 2019

Jeremy on Canon 50 D Coca Cola

Beach's Pond

North Pond

Through the Willow

100312h - Cleo's Ferry Museum

Trophy Pond

North Pond

Meridian Sunset - 365 Day 178

Across the North Pond

Stanley, ID

Trophy Pond

Aerial View of Brandt Center, NNU Campus

100312g - Cleo's Ferry Museum

Sawtooth's Fall Light

Celebration Park Guffey Bridge

Sunset in Boise

The Sawtooth Meadow's

The Sawtooth's and frozen Little Redfish 2019

Sawtooth Over Little Redfish 2019

Dead timbers over shallow waters 2019

Monarch Beauty !!!

Idaho Monarch !!!

The tree swamp

Evening on Lake Lowell

Tall Grass

Photo Crawl March 2011 218

Friend's tree.

Guffey Bridge

Photocrawl :: Initial Point - Kuna, ID

North Pond