Gateway, Montana

Crossing into Canada...

A hazy afternoon view of Mt. Wam Lookout from the Pacific Northwest Trail in the Ten Lakes Scenic Area, Kootenai National Forest in Northwest Montana

A broad view of the Ten Lakes Scenic Area from the Pacific Northwest Trail, including Mt. Wam, Stahl Peak, and St. Clair Peak, Kootenai National Forest in Northwest Montana

Marston, Montana

Gateway, Montana

Trees and Sky

Mt. Wam and its fire lookout rising above the Ten Lakes Scenic Area, Kootenai National Forest in Northwest Montana

Sunset Koocanusa

Big Therriault Lake trail, Kootenai National Forest

Big Therriault Lake panorama, Kootenai National Forest

Big Therriault Lake, Kootenai National Forest

Lake Koocanusa from the Pacific Northwest Trail near the Canadian border

Upper Wolverine Lake

Mt Mahaney

Looking south from the Pacific Northwest Trail in the Ten Lakes Scenic Area towards Ksanka Peak and St. Clair Peak, Kootenai National Forest in Northwest Montana

Wolverine Cabin

trail near Big Therriault Lake

Mid-summer ice lingers on Rainbow Lake, below the Pacific Northwest Trail in the Ten Lakes Scenic Area, Kootenai National Forest in Northwest Montana

Upper Wolverine Lake

A closer look at Mt. Wam with the fire lookout barely visible on the summit, Kootenai National Forest in Northwest Montana

Clouds moving in over Little Therriault Lake, Kootenai National Forest

Sandy Shores

First rays of sun

Balsamroot flowers