Memorial Tribute

The Only Sunlight Hotel, Cannelton, Indiana

Cannelton Flour Mills, Cannelton, Indiana

Washington Street, Cannelton, Indiana

Old Perry County Court House, Cannelton

Old Perry County Court House, Cannelton, Indiana

Washington Street, Cannelton, Indiana, section

View of Washington Street, Cannelton, Indiana

Indiana Cotton Mills, Cannelton, Indiana

St. Michael's Church & Parochial Schools, Cannelton, Indiana

View of Cannelton, Indiana

U. S. Hame Co., Tell City, Indiana

Night view

Ohio River near Hawesville

Another view

Indian Lake Club

I was going to hunt this morning, but went hiking and scouting instead.

Bob Cummings - Lincoln Trail Bridge

Bob Cummings – Lincoln Trail Bridge

down by the river

German Ridge Day Use Area

Aerial - Lincoln Trail Bridge

Cannelton Locks from Kentucky. 7/12/2015.