Ontario Autumn

Split Rock lookout

4/365: Islands in the Stream.

Stunning #sunset and #horses ... gawd I love our view!!! #livingthedream #farmlife #thisviewnevergetsold

Hallway (SoS)

Back Lit Oil Lamp

I Think the Trees Are Starting to Take Her

Really Driftin

View of outside from my room

Farm On A Hill

Trail view outside my room

View of Mono Cliffs Provincial Park from Niagara Escarpment

Trail view outside my room

Close view of large boulders

Trail view outside my room

Trees, Sky, Grass, And Water

Tree patterns

Bruce Trail near Murphy's Pinnacle

View from Mono Cliffs

A Mono Township farm

More paper birches at the edge

Paper birch invading an old field

Mono Cliffs Provincial Park

Beneath Cannings Falls

Websters Fall ~ Ontario Canada

Rural Fence

The Falls

Reflections At McCraston's Lake

Fall Colours at McCraston's Lake

Behind the Veil

Forest Canopy

The Birth of Azul

Mulmur Hills

91/365: Cannings Falls

Mono Hills Provincial Park


Boyne Valley

'Lil Chippie

Cannings Cascade

Scotts Falls